Post Date: 10/23/2024
Notice of sale and disposal of property at EZ Storage, 336 Speen Street, Natick, MA 01760 (508) 653-2224. Property will be sold at public auction held on Monday, November 25th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m, in
accordance with the provisions of MGL Chapter 105A, Section 4 and for the satisfaction of the Facility
Operator’s lien. Contents will be auctioned by: Storage Auction Solutions (MA license # 350). The description of the goods and name of the person(s) whose property is to be sold is as follows:
Baptiste, Gregory Marrie: Misc boxes and luggage
Torress, Evelyn: Guitar case, toys and boxes
Rodriguez, Beverly: Framed pictures and pet crate
Pena, Orquidea: Misc boxes, bikes and sports equipment
Koren-Carcerano, Bonnie: Misc boxes and totes
St. George, Jean: Household Furniture and AC
Auction Date: 11/25/2024